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Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) Android app icon APK

Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) 1.2.1

Package Name
Release Date
March 30, 2015
Required Permissions
File Size
449.7 KB
Minimum Android™ Version
Froyo, 2.2.x, API level 8

Tell your friends about Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия)

Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) 1.2.1 is a Utility app for Android 2.2.x and higher. The package name of Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) is com.android_rsap.irmctest and it is developed by You are looking at info for version 1.2.1, which is the newest version of Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия). It has been released on March 30, 2015. Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) 1.2.1 is translated in twelve languages. Bluetooth Phonebook (version d'évaluation), Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия), Axenda telefónica Bluetooth (Proba), Bluetooth Phonebook (wersja próbna), Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия), Bluetooth Phonebook (Демо), Bluetooth Phonebook (Versione di prova), Bluetooth telefoniraamat(Prooviversioon), Bluetooth Phonebook (Trial), Bluetooth Telefonkönyv (Próba), Agenda telefónica Bluetooth (AVALIAÇÃO), Agenda telefónica Bluetooth (Prueba) are the local translations of Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) 1.2.1.

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Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) 1.2.1 is requesting nine permissions, of which four are potentially dangerous.

The APK of Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) 1.2.1 has a download size of 449.7 KB.

Required Permissions

Read call log Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) can read your call history.
Read your contacts Allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to read data about your contacts stored on your tablet. This permission allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to save your contact data, and malicious apps may share contact data without your knowledge.
Read the contents of your shared storage Allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to read the contents of your shared storage.
Modify or delete the contents of your shared storage Allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to write the contents of your shared storage.
Pair with Bluetooth devices Allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to view the configuration of Bluetooth on the tablet, and to make and accept connections with paired devices.
Access Bluetooth settings Allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to configure the local Bluetooth tablet, and to discover and pair with remote devices.
Keep car screen turned on Allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to keep the car screen turned on.
Modify system settings Allows Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия) to modify the system's settings data. Malicious apps may corrupt your system's configuration.

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All Versions

Bluetooth телефонен указател (пробна версия)
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
449.7 KB
Required Android Version
Froyo, 2.2.x, API level 8

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