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Kardiograaf 3.2

Package Name
Release Date
October 29, 2014
Required Permissions
File Size
1.0 MB
Minimum Android™ Version
Honeycomb, 3.0, API level 11

Tell your friends about Kardiograaf

Kardiograaf 3.2 is a Fitness app for Android 3.0 and higher. The package name of Kardiograaf is and it is developed by MacroPinch. You are looking at info for version 3.2, which is the newest version of Kardiograaf. It has been released on October 29, 2014. Kardiograaf 3.2 is translated in 31 languages. Cardiograf, কার্ডিওগ্রাফ, Cardiógrafo, Cardiographe, Cardiograaf, Кардиограф, Kardiograaf, Kardiogrāfs, Kardiograaf, کاردیوگراف, カーディオグラフ, Кардіограф, Kardyograph, Кардыёграф, कार्डियोग्राफ, Điện tâm đồ, โปรแกรมตรวจวัดการเต้นของหัวใจ, 心电图仪, 심전도, Cardiografo, Kardiográf, Kardiograf, Kardiyograf, رسم القلب, Kardiografi, קרדיוגרף, Kardiografas, Cardiògraf, Kardiograph, 心電圖儀, Καρδιογράφος are the local translations of Kardiograaf 3.2.

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Kardiograaf 3.2 is requesting six permissions, of which two are potentially dangerous.

The APK of Kardiograaf 3.2 has a download size of 1.0 MB.

Required Permissions

Access body sensors (like heart rate monitors) Allows Kardiograaf to access data from sensors that monitor your physical condition, such as your heart rate.
Take pictures and videos Kardiograaf can take pictures and record videos using the camera at any time.
View network connections Allows Kardiograaf to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Pair with Bluetooth devices Allows Kardiograaf to view the configuration of Bluetooth on the tablet, and to make and accept connections with paired devices.
Access Bluetooth settings Allows Kardiograaf to configure the local Bluetooth tablet, and to discover and pair with remote devices.
Have full network access Allows Kardiograaf to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.

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All Versions

Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
1.0 MB
Required Android Version
Honeycomb, 3.0, API level 11

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