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Lollipop-sleutelbord 4.0.21003.1519572

Package Name
Release Date
October 18, 2014
Required Permissions
File Size
18.9 MB
Minimum Android™ Version
Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.0.1 - 4.0.2, API level 14

Tell your friends about Lollipop-sleutelbord

Lollipop-sleutelbord 4.0.21003.1519572 is a app for Android 4.0.1 - 4.0.2 and higher. The package name of Lollipop-sleutelbord is and it is developed by Android. You are looking at info for version 4.0.21003.1519572, which is the newest version of Lollipop-sleutelbord. It has been released on October 18, 2014. Lollipop-sleutelbord 4.0.21003.1519572 is translated in 68 languages. Lollipop-tastatur, Lollipop пернетақтасы, Lollipop-toetsenbord, Lollipop klaviaturasi, Lollipop-sleutelbord, Lollipop Ստեղնաշար, Клавіатура Google, Teclado Google, Lollipopova tipkovnica, Lollipop Klavye, Googlova tipkovnica, ‏صفحه‌ کلید Google, Lollipop Гар, Kibodi ya Google, [Ĝööĝļé Ķéýɓöåŕð one two three], Lollipop-näppäimistö, Lollipop-Tastatur, Lollipop ቁልፍ ሰሌዳ, ແປ້ນພິມ Google, Ikhibhodi ye-Google, ‏מקלדת Google, Lollipop కీబోర్డ్, Lollipop কীবোর্ড, ဂူဂဲလ်လက်ကွက်, Bàn phím Google, Lollipop-sleutelbord, ‏Google کی بورڈ, Lollipop tastatūra, Lollipop යතුරු පුවරුව, Lollipop-billentyűzet, ‏لوحة مفاتيح Google, Lollipop ಕೀಬೋರ್ಡ್, ‏‮Google‬‏ ‏‮Keyboard‬‏, Google'i klaviatuur, Lollipopキーボード, Πληκτρολόγιο Google, Papan Kekunci Google, Clavier Google, Lollipop კლავიატურა, Teclado do Google, Клавиатура Google, Lollipop键盘, Teclat de Google, Lollipop കീബോർഡ്, Lollipop teklatua, Lollipop Баскычтобу, ក្ដារចុច Google, Klawiatura Google, Lollipop lyklaborð, Тастатура на Google, Klávesnice Google, Klávesnica Google, Lollipop Keyboard, Keyboard ng Google, Lollipop Klaviatura, Lollipop 鍵盤, Lollipops tangentbord, Teclado de Google, „Google“ klaviatūra, Lollipop тастатура, Tastiera Google, แป้นพิมพ์ของ Google, Lollipop விசைப்பலகை, Lollipop कीबोर्ड, गुगल किबोर्ड, Lollipop 키보드, Tastatură Google, Клавиатура на Google are the local translations of Lollipop-sleutelbord 4.0.21003.1519572.

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Lollipop-sleutelbord 4.0.21003.1519572 is requesting 16 permissions, of which seven are potentially dangerous.

The APK of Lollipop-sleutelbord 4.0.21003.1519572 has a download size of 18.9 MB.

Required Permissions

Find accounts on the device Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to get the list of accounts known by the tablet. This may include any accounts created by applications you have installed.
Read your contacts Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to read data about your contacts stored on your tablet. This permission allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to save your contact data, and malicious apps may share contact data without your knowledge.
Read the contents of your shared storage Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to read the contents of your shared storage.
Read your own contact card Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to read personal profile information stored on your device, such as your name and contact information. This means Lollipop-sleutelbord can identify you and may send your profile information to others.
Read terms you added to the dictionary Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to read all words, names and phrases that the user may have stored in the user dictionary.
Use accounts on the device Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to request authentication tokens.
Modify or delete the contents of your shared storage Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to write the contents of your shared storage.
View network connections Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Have full network access Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Read sync settings Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to read the sync settings for an account. For example, this can determine whether the People app is synced with an account.
Read sync statistics Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to read the sync stats for an account, including the history of sync events and how much data is synced.
Run at startup Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to have itself started as soon as the system has finished booting. This can make it take longer to start the tablet and allow Lollipop-sleutelbord to slow down the overall tablet by always running.
Control vibration Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to control the vibrator.
Toggle sync on and off Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to modify the sync settings for an account. For example, this can be used to enable sync of the People app with an account.
Add words to user-defined dictionary Allows Lollipop-sleutelbord to write new words into the user dictionary.

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All Versions

Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
18.9 MB
Required Android Version
Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.0.1 - 4.0.2, API level 14

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