Math Tricks 3.6.0
December 26, 2014
9.3 MB
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9
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Math Tricks 3.6.0 is a Puzzle game for Android 2.3 - 2.3.2 and higher. The package name of Math Tricks is example.matharithmetics and it is developed by Antoni. You are looking at info for version 3.6.0, which is the newest version of Math Tricks. It has been released on December 26, 2014. Math Tricks 3.6.0 is translated in 21 languages. गणितीय गुर, Math Tricks, Truques matemáticos, Матем. Хитрости, حيل الرياضيات, Matematik Hileleri, Матем. Хитрощі, 암산 트레이닝, 数学技巧, Astuces Math., Math Tricks, 数学のトリック, Trucuri matematice, Trik Matematika, Trucos de Matemáticas, Thủ thuật toán học, Sztuczki matematyczne, Trucchi matematici, მათემ. ხრიკები, Матем. Хітрасці, Mathematische Schlauheiten are the local translations of Math Tricks 3.6.0.Other people have searched for download Math Tricks 3.6.0, Math Tricks 3.6.0, Math Tricks 3.6.0 free download, Math Tricks 3.6.0 gratis, Math Tricks 3.6.0 download, Math Tricks download 3.6.0, Math Tricks download for android 2.3 - 2.3.2, Math Tricks download for android 2.3 - 2.3.2 free, Math Tricks download for android 2.3 - 2.3.2 free download, download Math Tricks, download free Math Tricks, download Math Tricks for android, download Math Tricks free, Math Tricks free, Math Tricks 2023, Math Tricks android, Math Tricks apk, Math Tricks app, Math Tricks download 2023, Math Tricks download android, Math Tricks for android, Math Tricks gratis, Appchive Math Tricks, Matematik Hileleri, Матем. Хитрощі, 암산 트레이닝, 数学技巧, Astuces Math., Math Tricks, 数学のトリック, Trucuri matematice, Trik Matematika, Trucos de Matemáticas, Thủ thuật toán học, Sztuczki matematyczne, Trucchi matematici, მათემ. ხრიკები, Матем. Хітрасці, Mathematische Schlauheiten, गणितीय गुर, Math Tricks, Truques matemáticos, Матем. Хитрости, حيل الرياضيات to find Math Tricks 3.6.0 on appchive.net.
Math Tricks 3.6.0 is requesting three permissions, of which zero are potentially dangerous.
The APK of Math Tricks 3.6.0 has a download size of 9.3 MB.
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Math Tricks
9.3 MB
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9
Math Tricks
9.1 MB
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9