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الطقس في فرنسا 2.0.9

Package Name
ID Mobile SA
Release Date
April 03, 2014
Required Permissions
File Size
10.3 MB
Minimum Android™ Version
Donut, 1.6, API level 4

Tell your friends about الطقس في فرنسا

الطقس في فرنسا 2.0.9 is a Weather app for Android 1.6 and higher. The package name of الطقس في فرنسا is com.idmobile.francemeteo and it is developed by ID Mobile SA. You are looking at info for version 2.0.9, which is the newest version of الطقس في فرنسا. It has been released on April 03, 2014. الطقس في فرنسا 2.0.9 is translated in 20 languages. Weather France, Weerbericht Frankrijk, อากาศสำหรับฝรั่งเศส, Vremea Franța, Погода Франція, フランスの天気, Wetter Frankreich, Cuaca Perancis, Meteo Francia, Погода во Франции, Καιρός Γαλλία, Fransa Hava Durumu, الطقس في فرنسا, Tempo França, Météo France, Pogoda Francji, الطقس في فرنسا, Tiempo Francia, फ्रांस के लिए मौसम, 프랑스 날씨 are the local translations of الطقس في فرنسا 2.0.9.

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الطقس في فرنسا 2.0.9 is requesting three permissions, of which only one is potentially dangerous. This is the perfect ratio :)

The APK of الطقس في فرنسا 2.0.9 has a download size of 10.3 MB.

Required Permissions

Access approximate location (network-based) only in the foreground الطقس في فرنسا can get your location based on network sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi networks, but only when when الطقس في فرنسا is in the foreground. These location services must be turned on and available on your tablet for الطقس في فرنسا to be able to use them.
View network connections Allows الطقس في فرنسا to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Have full network access Allows الطقس في فرنسا to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.

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All Versions

الطقس في فرنسا
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
10.3 MB
Required Android Version
Donut, 1.6, API level 4

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