Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4
ID Mobile SA
December 24, 2014
6.2 MB
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9
Tell your friends about Flashlight LED Genius
Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 is a General app for Android 2.3 - 2.3.2 and higher. The package name of Flashlight LED Genius is com.idmobile.flashlight and it is developed by ID Mobile SA. You are looking at info for version 1.10.4, which is the newest version of Flashlight LED Genius. It has been released on December 24, 2014. Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 is translated in 14 languages. Linterna LED Genius, Zaklamp LED Genius, Lampe de poche LED Genius, Фонарик LED Genius, Lanterna LED Genius, Taschenlampe LED Genius, Lommelygte LED Geni, Torcia LED Genius, Flashlight LED Genius, 플래쉬라이트 LED Genius, Flashlight LED Genius, Ficklampa LED Genius, フラッシュライト LED Genius, Latarka LED Genius are the local translations of Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4.Other people have searched for download Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4, Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4, Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 free download, Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 gratis, Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 download, Flashlight LED Genius download 1.10.4, Flashlight LED Genius download for android 2.3 - 2.3.2, Flashlight LED Genius download for android 2.3 - 2.3.2 free, Flashlight LED Genius download for android 2.3 - 2.3.2 free download, download Flashlight LED Genius, download free Flashlight LED Genius, download Flashlight LED Genius for android, download Flashlight LED Genius free, Flashlight LED Genius free, Flashlight LED Genius 2023, Flashlight LED Genius android, Flashlight LED Genius apk, Flashlight LED Genius app, Flashlight LED Genius download 2023, Flashlight LED Genius download android, Flashlight LED Genius for android, Flashlight LED Genius gratis, Appchive Flashlight LED Genius, Torcia LED Genius, Flashlight LED Genius, 플래쉬라이트 LED Genius, Flashlight LED Genius, Ficklampa LED Genius, フラッシュライト LED Genius, Latarka LED Genius, Lampe de poche LED Genius, Фонарик LED Genius, Lanterna LED Genius, Taschenlampe LED Genius, Lommelygte LED Geni, Linterna LED Genius, Zaklamp LED Genius to find Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 on appchive.net.
Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 is requesting eight permissions, of which only one is potentially dangerous. This is the perfect ratio :)
The APK of Flashlight LED Genius 1.10.4 has a download size of 6.2 MB.
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All Versions
Flashlight LED Genius
6.2 MB
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9