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Voice nightlight/flashlight 9.9.3

Package Name
4.5 ⭐ (2)
phone rock
Release Date
April 04, 2015
Required Permissions
File Size
1.7 MB
Minimum Android™ Version
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9

Tell your friends about Voice nightlight/flashlight

Voice nightlight/flashlight 9.9.3 is a General app for Android 2.3 - 2.3.2 and higher. The package name of Voice nightlight/flashlight is org.voicenightlight.v3 and it is developed by phone rock. You are looking at info for version 9.9.3, which is the newest version of Voice nightlight/flashlight. It has been released on April 04, 2015. Voice nightlight/flashlight 9.9.3 is translated in 28 languages. Голас начнік / ліхтарык, 음성 야간 / 손전등, 语音小夜灯/手电筒/应急灯, luce di notte / torcia voce, Stimme Nachtlicht/Taschenlampe, Stemmen nattlys / lommelykt, Голос нічник / ліхтарик, voice nachtlampje / zaklamp, giọng nói đèn ngủ / đèn pin, voix veilleuse/lampe de poche, สัปหงกเสียง / ไฟฉาย, veioza voce / lanterna, صوت الليل / مصباح يدوي, आवाज रात प्रकाश / टॉर्च, hääl öölamp / taskulamp, luz nocturna de voz / linterna, lampu malam suara / senter, 音声常夜灯/懐中電灯, Voice nightlight/flashlight, Голос ночник / фонарик, 語音小夜燈/手電筒/應急燈, lampu malam suara/lampu suluh, Voice nightlight/flashlight, nightlight głos / latarki, noturna de voz / lanterna, φωνής νυκτός / φακό, מנורת לילה קול / פנס, ses gece lambası / el feneri are the local translations of Voice nightlight/flashlight 9.9.3.

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Voice nightlight/flashlight 9.9.3 is requesting eight permissions, of which three are potentially dangerous.

The APK of Voice nightlight/flashlight 9.9.3 has a download size of 1.7 MB.

Required Permissions

Access approximate location (network-based) only in the foreground Voice nightlight/flashlight can get your location based on network sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi networks, but only when when Voice nightlight/flashlight is in the foreground. These location services must be turned on and available on your tablet for Voice nightlight/flashlight to be able to use them.
Take pictures and videos Voice nightlight/flashlight can take pictures and record videos using the camera at any time.
Record audio Voice nightlight/flashlight can record audio using the microphone at any time.
View network connections Allows Voice nightlight/flashlight to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Have full network access Allows Voice nightlight/flashlight to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Keep car screen turned on Allows Voice nightlight/flashlight to keep the car screen turned on.
Modify system settings Allows Voice nightlight/flashlight to modify the system's settings data. Malicious apps may corrupt your system's configuration.

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All Versions

Voice nightlight/flashlight
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
1.7 MB
Required Android Version
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9
Voice nightlight/flashlight
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
1.5 MB
Required Android Version
Gingerbread, 2.3 - 2.3.2, API level 9

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