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Лесно свързване с NFC Android app icon APK

Лесно свързване с NFC 1.0.02

Package Name
5 ⭐ (1)
Sony Corporation
Release Date
August 31, 2012
Required Permissions
File Size
1.8 MB
Minimum Android™ Version
Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.0.1 - 4.0.2, API level 14

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Introducing Conexion Facil NFC, the easy way to make NFC connections with your Android device. With this intuitive and user-friendly Android app, you can quickly and easily connect with other NFC-enabled devices for a range of applications, from quickly paying for goods in store to exchanging contact information.

Conexion Facil NFC makes it easier than ever before to make quick and secure NFC connections between your device and another. With a few taps of the screen, you'll be up and running in no time at all!

The app allows you to easily manage the settings of each individual NFC connection, so that only the right people can access your data. You can also customize the connection parameters such as protocol type and transmission power, allowing you to fine tune each connection setup according to your needs.

From quickly sending photos and files between two devices or sharing contact details with acquaintances, Conexion Facil NFC is the perfect tool for anyone looking for an easy yet powerful way to make connections using their Android device's built-in NFC technology.

What's more, Conexion Facil NFC is completely free - so why not give it a try today? Download it now from and start making connections easily and securely with just one tap of your finger.

Required Permissions

View network connections Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Pair with Bluetooth devices Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to view the configuration of Bluetooth on the tablet, and to make and accept connections with paired devices.
Access Bluetooth settings Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to configure the local Bluetooth tablet, and to discover and pair with remote devices.
Send sticky broadcast Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to send sticky broadcasts, which remain after the broadcast ends. Excessive use may make the tablet slow or unstable by causing it to use too much memory.
Change your audio settings Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to modify global audio settings such as volume and which speaker is used for output.
Control Near Field Communication Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to communicate with Near Field Communication (NFC) tags, cards, and readers.
Лесно свързване с NFC can appear on top of other apps Лесно свързване с NFC can appear on top of other apps or other parts of the screen. This may interfere with normal app usage and change the way that other apps appear.
Control vibration Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to control the vibrator.
Keep car screen turned on Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to keep the car screen turned on.
Modify system settings Allows Лесно свързване с NFC to modify the system's settings data. Malicious apps may corrupt your system's configuration.

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All Versions

Лесно свързване с NFC
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
1.8 MB
Required Android Version
Ice Cream Sandwich, 4.0.1 - 4.0.2, API level 14

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