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بدء ماسح الباركود 1.7

Package Name
Release Date
May 26, 2012
Required Permissions
File Size
1.1 MB
Minimum Android™ Version
Eclair, 2.1, API level 7

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بدء ماسح الباركود 1.7 is a General app for Android 2.1. The package name of بدء ماسح الباركود is com.startsoftware.barcode.scanner and it is developed by startsoftware . You are looking at info for version 1.7, which is the newest version of بدء ماسح الباركود. It has been released on May 26, 2012. بدء ماسح الباركود 1.7 is translated in 28 languages. začetek črtne kode skener, 啟動條碼掃描器, iniziare barcode scanner, skaner kodów kreskowych, סורק ברקודים, Aloita viivakoodinlukija, indul vonalkódolvasó, barkod tarayıcı başlatmak, начало Баркод Скенер, 바코드 스캐너를 시작합니다, Barcode-Scanner starten, lecteur de codes barres, börjar streckkodsläsare, बारकोड स्कैनर शुरू, Start Barcode Scanner, ξεκινήσει σαρωτής barcode, escanear códigos de barras, mulai barcode scanner, بدء ماسح الباركود, scanner de código de barras, starter stregkodescanner, начать сканер штрих-кода, Start čtečka čárových kódů, 條碼掃描器, začať čiarových kódov, بدء ماسح الباركود, barcode scanner, バーコードスキャナ are the local translations of بدء ماسح الباركود 1.7.

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بدء ماسح الباركود 1.7 is requesting twelve permissions, of which six are potentially dangerous.

The APK of بدء ماسح الباركود 1.7 has a download size of 1.1 MB.

Required Permissions

Take pictures and videos بدء ماسح الباركود can take pictures and record videos using the camera at any time.
Read call log بدء ماسح الباركود can read your call history.
Read your contacts Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to read data about your contacts stored on your tablet. This permission allows بدء ماسح الباركود to save your contact data, and malicious apps may share contact data without your knowledge.
Read the contents of your shared storage Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to read the contents of your shared storage.
Modify or delete the contents of your shared storage Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to write the contents of your shared storage.
Read your Web bookmarks and history Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to read the history of all URLs that the Browser has visited, and all of the Browser's bookmarks. Note: this permission may not be enforced by third-party browsers or other applications with web browsing capabilities.
View network connections Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
View Wi-Fi connections Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to view information about Wi-Fi networking, such as whether Wi-Fi is enabled and name of connected Wi-Fi devices.
Connect and disconnect from Wi-Fi Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to connect to and disconnect from Wi-Fi access points and to make changes to device configuration for Wi-Fi networks.
Control flashlight Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to control the flashlight.
Have full network access Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.
Control vibration Allows بدء ماسح الباركود to control the vibrator.

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All Versions

بدء ماسح الباركود
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
1.1 MB
Required Android Version
Eclair, 2.1, API level 7

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