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Kompas met GPS 2.0

Package Name
Release Date
July 27, 2014
Required Permissions
File Size
1.6 MB
Minimum Android™ Version
Honeycomb, 3.0, API level 11

Tell your friends about Kompas met GPS

Kompas met GPS 2.0 is a General app for Android 3.0 and higher. The package name of Kompas met GPS is cps.mmxi.smartcompass and it is developed by C.P.S.. You are looking at info for version 2.0, which isn't the newest version of Kompas met GPS. It has been released on July 27, 2014. Kompas met GPS 2.0 is translated in 35 languages. Kompas med GPS, दिक्सूचक साथ जीपीएस, 나침반 가진 GPS, Kompas met GPS, Bussola con GPS, 指南针同GPS, Bússola com GPS, Kompass ar GPS, Kompas z GPS, Iránytű GPS-szel, Compass na may GPS, Компас з GPS, Boussole avec GPS, מצפן עם GPS, Kompas met GPS, Компас с GPS, La bàn với GPS, 指南針同GPS, بوصلة مع نظام تحديد المواقع, Busola cu GPS, Πυξίδα με GPS, Kompass koos GPS, Kompass mit GPS, Kompas s GPS, Brújula con GPS, Kompasas su GPS, Kompassi kanssa GPS, Pusula GPS ile, قطب نما با GPS, Compass GPS, Kompass med GPS, เข็มทิศด้วยจีพีเอส, Цомпасс са ГПС, 方位磁針と GPS, Kompas dengan GPS are the local translations of Kompas met GPS 2.0.

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Kompas met GPS 2.0 is requesting three permissions, of which only one is potentially dangerous. This is the perfect ratio :)

The APK of Kompas met GPS 2.0 has a download size of 1.6 MB.

Required Permissions

Access precise location only in the foreground Kompas met GPS can get your exact location only when it is in the foreground. These location services must be turned on and available on your phone for Kompas met GPS to be able to use them. This may increase battery consumption.
View network connections Allows Kompas met GPS to view information about network connections such as which networks exist and are connected.
Have full network access Allows Kompas met GPS to create network sockets and use custom network protocols. The browser and other applications provide means to send data to the internet, so this permission is not required to send data to the internet.

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All Versions

Kompas met GPS
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
1.7 MB
Required Android Version
Honeycomb, 3.0, API level 11
Kompas met GPS
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
1.6 MB
Required Android Version
Honeycomb, 3.0, API level 11

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