Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3
March 27, 2015
5.9 MB
Froyo, 2.2.x, API level 8
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Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 is a General app for Android 2.2.x and higher. The package name of Event Countdown Widget is hu.jimsoft.eventcountdownwidget and it is developed by JimSoft. You are looking at info for version 1.9.3, which is the newest version of Event Countdown Widget. It has been released on March 27, 2015. Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 is translated in 17 languages. Widget compteur évènements, Event Countdown Widget, Event Countdown Widget, Cuenta Atrás del Evento, Pripomoček za odštevanje, 倒數日曆, Termin-Countdown Widget, Esemény visszaszámláló modul, Widget conto alla rovescia, Odpočítavaní událostí widget, 倒数日历, Contagem Regressiva de Eventos, Etkinlik Gerisayım Widgetı, العد التنازلي للاحداث, Odpočítavanie udalosti widget, Виджет Таймера Событий, Widget Contor Evenimente are the local translations of Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3.Other people have searched for download Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3, Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3, Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 free download, Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 gratis, Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 download, Event Countdown Widget download 1.9.3, Event Countdown Widget download for android 2.2.x, Event Countdown Widget download for android 2.2.x free, Event Countdown Widget download for android 2.2.x free download, download Event Countdown Widget, download free Event Countdown Widget, download Event Countdown Widget for android, download Event Countdown Widget free, Event Countdown Widget free, Event Countdown Widget 2023, Event Countdown Widget android, Event Countdown Widget apk, Event Countdown Widget app, Event Countdown Widget download 2023, Event Countdown Widget download android, Event Countdown Widget for android, Event Countdown Widget gratis, Appchive Event Countdown Widget, Odpočítavanie udalosti widget, Виджет Таймера Событий, Widget Contor Evenimente, العد التنازلي للاحداث, Widget compteur évènements, Event Countdown Widget, Pripomoček za odštevanje, 倒數日曆, Termin-Countdown Widget, Esemény visszaszámláló modul, Widget conto alla rovescia, Event Countdown Widget, Cuenta Atrás del Evento, 倒数日历, Contagem Regressiva de Eventos, Etkinlik Gerisayım Widgetı, Odpočítavaní událostí widget to find Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 on appchive.net.
Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 is requesting five permissions, of which two are potentially dangerous.
The APK of Event Countdown Widget 1.9.3 has a download size of 5.9 MB.
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Event Countdown Widget
5.9 MB
Froyo, 2.2.x, API level 8