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موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) Android app icon APK

موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) 1.48

Package Name
Release Date
April 04, 2015
Required Permissions
File Size
182.7 KB
Minimum Android™ Version
Donut, 1.6, API level 4

Tell your friends about موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي)

موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) 1.48 is a General app for Android 1.6. The package name of موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) is and it is developed by Zekitez. You are looking at info for version 1.48, which is the newest version of موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي). It has been released on April 04, 2015. موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) 1.48 is translated in ten languages. ماهواره یاب, موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي), Dûvelanga gerînendehê, موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي), Satelitní Director, Satélite Director, Satellite Director, 卫星主任, Satellite Director, Спутник Director are the local translations of موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) 1.48.

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موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) 1.48 is requesting seven permissions, of which ten are potentially dangerous.

The APK of موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) 1.48 has a download size of 182.7 KB.

Required Permissions

Access approximate location (network-based) only in the foreground موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) can get your location based on network sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi networks, but only when when موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) is in the foreground. These location services must be turned on and available on your tablet for موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to be able to use them.
Access precise location only in the foreground موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) can get your exact location only when it is in the foreground. These location services must be turned on and available on your phone for موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to be able to use them. This may increase battery consumption.
Take pictures and videos موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) can take pictures and record videos using the camera at any time.
Read the contents of your shared storage Allows موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to read the contents of your shared storage.
Modify or delete the contents of your shared storage Allows موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to write the contents of your shared storage.
Access extra location provider commands Allows موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to access extra location provider commands. This may allow موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to interfere with the operation of the GPS or other location sources.
Keep car screen turned on Allows موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to keep the car screen turned on.
Access approximate location (network-based) only in the foreground موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) can get your location based on network sources such as cell towers and Wi-Fi networks, but only when when موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) is in the foreground. These location services must be turned on and available on your tablet for موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to be able to use them.
Access precise location only in the foreground موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) can get your exact location only when it is in the foreground. These location services must be turned on and available on your phone for موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to be able to use them. This may increase battery consumption.
Take pictures and videos موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) can take pictures and record videos using the camera at any time.
Read the contents of your shared storage Allows موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to read the contents of your shared storage.
Modify or delete the contents of your shared storage Allows موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي) to write the contents of your shared storage.

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All Versions

موجه الستلايت (القمرالصناعي)
Package Name
Release Date
Required Permissions
File Size
182.7 KB
Required Android Version
Donut, 1.6, API level 4

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